Holistic Services
07702 563 072

Integral Eye Movement Therapy

Serenity And Spirit ~ IEMT

Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) has enjoyed great results from treating soldiers suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It gets fast results in a non- intrusive manner. It can be “content free.” This means that the personal history and facts and figures of your life do not need to be explored. You do not have to disclose all details, you only have to identify the feeling you wish to address or the identity you wish to change i.e. identity is how you would label yourself e.g. I am useless, worthless, clumsy, rubbish at…

IEMT is a very useful tool that can bring about rapid change in areas of intense negative emotions e.g. anger, anxiety, low confidence, worry, stress. Problems most often resolved with IEMT are where a person is stuck in the past. Guilt, shame, blame, limiting beliefs and low self-esteem issues can be quickly resolved.

Integral Eye Movement Therpy